Murphree Landing

Gainesville, Florida

Murphree Landing Solar Field

Located in Gainesville, Florida, the Murphree Land Holdings property is 56 acres of which 12 acres is covered with solar panel. The fields are split into three sections of 1MW, each utilizing a different solar technology: fixed tilt, tracking and thin film. Each 1MW has 2 central inverters and is independently controlled and operated. The power is sold to Gainesville Regional Utilities. The solar field is located west of the Gainesville Regional Airport and next to the Murphree Water Treatment Plant.

Executive Summary and Statistics
Property Information
Property Type Industrial
Year Built 2011
Lot Size 56 Acres
Project Information
Nameplate Capacity 3,020.220 kW
PV Modules 8,568 Trina 235 Watt polycrystalline modules
Inverters 4 Solectria Renewables, Model: SGI 500-480
PPA USD 0.215 / kWh for 20 years with GRU
Production 4,630 MWh per annum in the first year
Average Revenue USD 900,000 per annum